
Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia

   The Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia (JHEIA) is the national journal for the peak professional association for Home Economics in Australia. It publishes articles by Australian and overseas authors. The journal reflects the focus of the home economics profession:

… to educate, inform, and to act as an advocate to government, industry and the community for families and households, so that individuals can make informed choices in order to enhance their everyday living

and welcomes submissions that address educational, welfare, business and industrial issues relevant to home economics. These include social issues; economic, environmental and technological developments; professional knowledge updates; research results; and evaluations of programs and teaching materials. Relevant topic areas include consumerism, curriculum, design, the environment, the family, fashion, food and nutrition, health, home economics, human growth and development, management, shelter, technologies and textiles.

Frequency and distribution of publication

The JHEIA is published two times per annum and is distributed in digital format to HEIA members as a benefit of membership. It is also distributed to those organisations that choose to subscribe to the journal. Members may request a hard copy by using the contact form.

Address for communication

The Editor
Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia Inc.
PO Box 3440
Rhodes NSW 2138

Information for contributors

The journal accepts both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed articles for consideration. The decision for acceptance of an article for publication rests with the editor. For further information about submitting an article to the JHEIA, please read Information for Contributors.

Member access to current Journals: 

Members can access all copies of the HEIA Journal in the member area of the website.

A sample journal is available:

Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia Volume 18, Number 2, 2011