Many subject disciplines contribute to the field of Home Economics. These are taught in our schools and any one of these are part of a study of home economics. People specialise in various disciplines and follow different professions.
Food and nutrition, food science and technology, hospitality and textiles and fashion contribute to the design and technologies education as part of home economics education.
Human development and relationships, health and wellbeing, consumerism and management and early childhood contribute to the Individuals, families and communities part of home economics education.
Home Economics – About home economics
Home economics is an interdisciplinary field of study, having as its focus the wellbeing of people in everyday living in households and families. As the peak professional body for home economists in Australia, the Home Economics Institute of Australia represents the interests of home economists working in education industry, community health, consumer affairs, and family and household management.
Key aspects of the work of home economists are to:
- focus on households and families
- enhance everyday living by enabling individuals to make informed choices
- act as advocates with a primary interest in households and families
- educate in the broadest sense.
Home economics and public health
Public health is the organised response by society to protect and promote health, and to prevent illness, injury and disability. More specifically, the field of public health is concerned with devising, implementing and evaluating interventions rather than the provision of services. The focus may be the population as a whole, or population sub-groups.
The field of public health has close ties with home economics, where the interest is the wellbeing and quality of life of families and individuals.
Look on the Resources tab for links to useful resources.
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