Membership Checkout

Membership Level change

You have selected the School Group Membership membership level.

The account holder is the person who facilitates payment for the School Group Membership. The staff at your school are sponsored members.

Follow the instructions on the ‘Completing the membership form page’ on the website

Requirement: School Group Membership – entitles any one primary, secondary school or college or TAFE campus to list an account holder and nominate up to six (6) seats for staff of that school or college to be included in its membership of HEIA. Once you have nominated the number of seats (1-6) for staff you will be able to complete their details up to the number nominated. Staff need either a qualification in home economics, or to work in a home economics related area such as health, technology or studies of society, or have interests and/or expertise such that their membership is seen to benefit the Institute.

For renewing members
Follow these instructions to complete the membership checkout
Completing the membership form to renew

All members of a School Group Membership are able to take advantage of benefits offered by HEIA. Membership gives each school member access to the member log in for discount products, journals and access to the online community, the ability to post in the online community.
    • Contact for additional members over the nominated 6 members will cost $50 per additional member
    • Add the first name. last name, username, email and password for each seat on sign up.

Please choose Payment Method:

A Tax Invoice (PDF) can be downloaded from your membership account and will also be emailed to the account holder.
• Credit/debit card – select the ‘Paypal’ option (you do not need a Paypal account, continue as guest, you can enter credit card details directly)
• Bank transfer – select the ‘Pay by Check’ option

Please wait for page to refresh to Membership Confirmation. Do not click the payment button twice.

The price for membership is $400.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

Do you have a discount code?

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & ).

More Information.

Enter your school name

Choose your state

Enter the postcode of the school

Enter your Mobile phone number if you would like to receive texts from HEIA – Optional

Would you like to create extra account(s)?

Enter a number from 1 to 6. +$0 per extra seat.

Billing Address

Join one or more of our mailing lists.